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BA Guess Papers

As I have found the best website for BA English Notes

, in the same way, BA English Guess Papers are also provided by the same website means pkplanet. So, I am also going to share with you these BA Guess Papers.


These BA Guess papers are not 100% but you you should prepare them because most of them are gathered from past 5 years BA Exams especially with respect to Punjab University. Anyways, lets move to the point, so please find below BA Guess Papers:


In this article I will only point out the problem that I would like to discuss with my readers and further develop this topic.

Education. We all get education. Primary, higher, and so on.

But what exactly is meant by this word, or process. What do we get as a result of our education. In addition to a formal crust in the form of a diploma.

An educated person - who is this ?

As always it is necessary to begin with concepts.

Education from the word " image ", i.e. in the process of ba education

a person tends to some image.

This is what he is doing - education, training, education . Formation of the image. It is these three categories that determine the formed image. But even pedagogy has not yet decided on a common understanding of these words and their meanings.

In outline.

Who is a trained person ?

One who has mastered any skill and skill or specialty.

Who is a well-bred person ?

Apparently the person whose actions meet the requirements of the norms and morals that society has established.

Who is an educated person ?

A person who owns the system of knowledge and skills necessary for life. But, systematized knowledge, and not fragments, loosely related to each other.

A person can be educated, but uneducated - this is also possible, but more often - on the contrary. Number of combinations can be continued

So what kind of image allows you to say that a person is an educated person.

What does this image include?

Modern education and can not come to a common understanding - what is education. It only divides education into secondary, professional, economic, humanitarian, technical, and so on.

Those. tries to establish professional knowledge and skills in education. But in this case we get a professional person, but can we say that this is an educated person.

The situation with self-education is even worse. I myself form the image that I try to achieve. But since a person only tries to become educated through self-education, he does not yet understand what kind of image this should be. And often uses the usual stamps - I will be successful, rich, happy, and so on. And for this I need to study this and that and that.

The absence of criteria by which to judge who is an educated person leads only to the fact that - how many people - so many opinions .

Someone calls it freedom, speaks about the uniqueness of the individual, about a kind of self-realization. But in the end, this leads to only one - the loss of landmarks and meanings.


As a variant of general education, he offers a program divided into departments such as:
1. Language and its history.
2. Literature and its history.
3. Morality and its history.
4. Literary and social and social trends, among which we are brought up and their history.
5. Mankind as a whole and its history.
6. Religious-church system and its history.
7. The family structure and its history.
8. The structure of education, public education and education and its history.
9. State and legal system and its history.
10. Social and economic system and its history.
11. Society, its essence and origin.
12. Tribes and races, their distribution on earth.
13. Psychic, the phenomena of spiritual life, their essence and origin.
14. The human body, its structure and life.
15. The kingdom of animals, its composition and life.
16. The kingdom of plants, its composition and life.
17. The kingdom of organisms in general, as a whole and its origin and history.
18. The globe and changes with it and what is happening on it.
19. Inorganic matter, from which the universe is composed, changes with it occur and occur.
20. The forces of nature of their transformation and history.
21. The Universe (Cosmos) as a whole, its history (evolution).
22. Mathematics and its history.
23. Logic and gnoseology.
24. Philosophy and its history.

Based on the study of these 24 branches of knowledge and comparative acquaintance with other people's opinions, theories, people can develop their own worldview.

One can agree that having studied the above-mentioned areas, a person will have a broad outlook, will be able to present and substantiate his point of view on various issues.

But ... again, I personally could not see in this the " image " to which the person is going. Yes, the amount of knowledge, so maybe it will be in the system, but in my opinion there is something missing.

Yes, and he Rubakin NA. in his book " How to do self-education ", writes: " A really educated person is not the one who considers himself" educated ", not one who graduated from any higher educational institution, whether there are not many ignoramuses, narrow experts or deft careerists of them come out! Not someone who re-read in his lifetime a lot, even a lot, at least the best books. Not someone who has accumulated some reserve, at least very large, of different knowledge. This is not the essence of education.

Its very essence is in the influence that it can and must produce on the surrounding life - in the strength that education gives, in introducing something new into one or another area into one or another of its areas. Whether this education is general or special, anyway, its criterion is the alteration of life, the changes made in it with its help . "

Further, he defines the tasks for the person who aspires to become educated:
1. Look closely at the surrounding life and think about it;
2. Study, know and understand it;
3. Be able to act in it;
4. To do this, have a training:
a) general, i.e. wide outlook;
b) special, professional.

But here again I also did not see the image of a person to whom one should strive. Yes - again, knowledge, skills, ability to make something new. But this is not enough for the image.

Most likely this "image" is connected not only with education, training and upbringing.